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This baby rash cream is so simple and easy to make, and it works great! I have used this with my youngest two kids and it has worked so much better and faster than any of the commercialized rash creams. This can also be used on any of the skin, doesn’t just have to be kept for the booty. I use it a lot on all of my kids faces during winter when they get dry cheeks. So, I guess you could say its good for all cheeks involved, HA!

Any who….I prefer to use body care products that I make or that are as close to as natural as possible for my family. Our skin is our biggest organ and it absorbs whatever we put on it.

Did you know, according to a quick Google search, “A study published in the American Journal of Public Health looked into the skin’s absorption rates of chemicals found in drinking water. It showed that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of total contaminant dosage.”

64% !!!! That’s crazy and I definitely want to eliminate all of the chemicals that I can by making my families body care products.

Baby Diaper rash cream

So, that is how I came to make my own baby rash cream.

It is very easy to make, you just need some high quality olive oil, organic coconut oil, and a good quality bees wax.

I personally would stay away from using coconut oil on boys as it can raise estrogen levels.

You can change it up

I choose to use plantain and calendula infused oil, which you can find how to make here, because these plants have healing and soothing properties for the skin and they are a nice addition to this healing cream. You certainly Don’t have to have those to make this though and you can just substitute regular olive oil. You could even try shea butter as well. Although I have never tried this so you would have to experiment with it. I would imagine you would not need as much bees wax because the shea butter would hardened when cooled.

While you can use essential oils in this cream, I would personally not recommend it because of the sensitive areas it will be used in. Essential oils are quite powerful and I would not want to cause any kind of adverse reaction.

So, to make this, you get your double boiler going, you can just use a make shift one too, and put all of the ingredients into the top bowl and let them melt all together and get incorporated.

Once everything is all nice and melted together, make sure you have a heat safe container, and pour the mixture into it. this will bee EXTREMLY hot, so be careful!

Let it cool for at least 4 hours. It will hardened as it cools.

Once it cools, if you would like it to be a firmer cream, you can always melt everything back down and add more bees wax to make it a harder cream. It’s all up to you and what you like.

I like to pair this cream with arrow root powder. It has gotten rid of some really harsh diaper rash with in 24 hours. I swear by this combo.

So, there ya have it super simple! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have!

Bye for now,


 This is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

Baby Booty Cream

Soft cream to heal diaper rashes quickly
Prep Time0 minutes
Active Time15 minutes
Cooling time2 hours
Author: Samantha Colwell


  • 1 Double boiler or just a pot of water with a bowl that fits on top


  • 1/3 cup organic coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup Infused plantain olive oil
  • 1/3 cup Infused calendula olive oil
  • 1/3 cup beeswax


  • place your double boiler on the stove top and let the water heat up
  • place all ingredients together in the top bowl and let it all melt together.
  • once all of the beeswax is melted and incorporated, pour the mixture into a warm glass container.
  • let cool for a couple hours until it is fully "hardened"
  • Make sure it is fully cooled, then you can place it on baby's rash as needed.


If you don’t have your own infused oils, you can substitute plain olive oil instead. 
Recommended to not use coconut oil on boys because it raises estrogen levels. 
 This is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

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